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fr:liste_script [2016/07/28 14:14]
mifrey Script 6 + coloration syntaxique
fr:liste_script [2016/10/14 11:47]
mifrey Ajout du simulateur de présence
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== 3- Liste des scripts LUA ======+====== Liste des scripts LUA ======
 \\ === 1- Modifier la couleur d’une lumière Led en fonction de la température de la pièce === \\ === 1- Modifier la couleur d’une lumière Led en fonction de la température de la pièce ===
Line 295: Line 295:
 +\\ === 7- Simulateur de présence  ===
 +//By mifrey//
 +**But :** Script permettant de simuler une présence en allumant/éteignant des lampes dans une certaine séquence et avec des durées aléatoires.
 +**Règle :** Le script doit être mis dans les conditions d'une règle et être déclenché par le changement des IOs "Enable", "Evening" et "Timer". Rien dans les actions.
 +**Précisions :** Le script correspond à la machine d'état suivante {{:fr:state_machine.pdf|}} {{:fr:state_machine.odp|}}. C'est une machine d'état un peu particulière car il n'y a un qu'une seule séquence d'états possible (l'état n+1 suivra toujours l'état n). Pour adapter le script à votre situation, il faut modifier les variables définissant les adresses de vos lampes puis modifier la machine d'état.
 +__A créer dans CALAOS INSTALLER :__
 +- Une variable interne booléenne (type InternalBool) "Enable" : Pour activer/désactiver la fonction simulateur de présence depuis Calaos Home.
 +- Une plage horaire (type InPlageHoraire) "Evening" : Qui passe à true vers l'heure du couché du soleil qui passe à false vers l'heure d'aller au lit. L'idéal est d'avoir des heures légèrement différentes pour chaque jour de façon à ce que le simulateur ne démarre pas à la même heure chaque jour.
 +- Un timer (type InputTimer) "Timer" : Pour passer d'un état à l'autre.
 +- Une variable interne entière (type InternalInt) "State" : Pour retenir l'état dans lequel se trouve la machine d'état.
 +__Script :__
 +<code lua>
 +-- Presence simulator
 +-- Rule conditions:
 +-- This script
 +-- Script triggers:
 +-- enable_id
 +-- evening_time_range_id
 +-- timer_id
 +-- Rule actions:
 +-- None
 +--if true then return false end -- Uncomment to disable the script
 +-- Script start
 +print(script_name .. ": Start")
 +-- IOs defined in Calaos Installer
 +local enable_id = "intern_3" -- InternalBool type, to be set/clear from Calaos Home or Mobile to enable/disable the presence simulator
 +local evening_time_range_id = "input_91" -- InPlageHoraire type, to be configured in Calaso Installer to get true around sunset and get false around bedtime 
 +local timer_id = "input_90" -- InputTimer type
 +local state_id = "intern_2" -- InternalInt type
 +local HJ_BAL_id = "output_9" -- WODigital type, staircase lamps
 +local SAL_L1_id = "output_7" -- WODigital type, living room lamp
 +local HJ_L1L2_id = "output_8" -- WODigital type, 1sth floor all lamps
 +local HN_L1_id = "output_19" -- WODigital type, 2nd floor hall lamps
 +local SDB_L1_id = "output_28" -- WODigital type, bathroom lamp
 +local DR_L1_id = "output_25" -- WODigital type, dressing room lamp
 +local CH1_L1_id = "output_21" -- WODigital type, parents bedroom lamp
 +-- Other variables
 +local script_test_enable = false -- Set to true to test the script with a short time between each state change, e.g., 5 seconds
 +local script_test_timer_duration = "00:00:05:000"
 +-- Functions
 +-- Split a string (from http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin)
 +function string:split(sSeparator, nMax, bRegexp)
 + assert(sSeparator ~= '')
 + assert(nMax == nil or nMax >= 1)
 + local aRecord = {}
 + if self:len() > 0 then
 + local bPlain = not bRegexp
 + nMax = nMax or -1
 + local nField, nStart = 1, 1
 + local nFirst,nLast = self:find(sSeparator, nStart, bPlain)
 + while nFirst and nMax ~= 0 do
 + aRecord[nField] = self:sub(nStart, nFirst-1)
 + nField = nField+1
 + nStart = nLast+1
 + nFirst,nLast = self:find(sSeparator, nStart, bPlain)
 + nMax = nMax-1
 + end
 + aRecord[nField] = self:sub(nStart)
 + end
 + return aRecord
 +-- Convert a time (format "h:m:s:ms") to ms
 +function time_to_ms (t)
 + local ms = 0
 + for k,x in next, string.split(t, ":") do
 + if k == 1 then
 + ms = ms + x*60*60*1000
 + elseif k == 2 then
 + ms = ms + x*60*1000
 + elseif k == 3 then
 + ms = ms + x*1000
 + elseif k == 4 then
 + ms = ms + x
 + end
 + end
 + return ms
 +-- Convert ms to a time (format "h:m:s:ms")
 +function ms_to_time (ms)
 + local mi = math.floor(ms % 1000);
 + local s = math.floor((ms/1000) % 60);
 + local m = math.floor((ms/(1000*60)) % 60);
 + local h = math.floor((ms/(1000*60*60)) % 24);
 + return (h .. ":" .. m  .. ":" .. s .. ":" .. mi)
 +-- Set the new state number.  Used in every state change.
 +function state_change (st)
 + state = st
 + calaos:setOutputValue(state_id, state)
 + print(script_name .. ": State=" .. state)
 +-- Set the timer for the next state change.  A random time is generated between low and high values (format "h:m:s:ms").  Used in every state change.  
 +function timer_set (low, high)
 + -- Generate a random time
 + local ms_low = time_to_ms(low)
 + local ms_high = time_to_ms(high)
 + math.randomseed(os.time())
 + local ms = math.random(ms_low, ms_high)
 + local t = ms_to_time(ms)
 + -- Set and start the timer for the next state
 + print(script_name .. ": Set timer = " .. t)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(timer_id, t)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(timer_id, "start")
 + -- Script test
 + if script_test_enable == true then
 + calaos:setOutputValue(timer_id, script_test_timer_duration) 
 + end
 + print(script_name .. ": End")
 +-- State machine
 +-- Get initial values
 +local timer = calaos:getInputValue(timer_id) -- ATTENTION: getInputValue(InputTimer type) returns a string type
 +local evening = calaos:getInputValue(evening_time_range_id)
 +local enable = calaos:getInputValue(enable_id)
 +local state = calaos:getInputValue(state_id)
 +-- Overwrite values if testing the script
 +if script_test_enable == true then
 + if state < 4 then
 + evening = true
 + else
 + evening = false
 + end
 +-- Simulator reset
 +if state == 14 or enable == false then
 + state_change (0)
 + -- Timer reset
 + calaos:setOutputValue(timer_id, "stop")
 + print(script_name .. ": End")
 + return false
 +-- Staircase: switch on
 +if state == 0 and evening == true then
 + state_change (1)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(HJ_BAL_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:00:5:000", "00:00:40:000")
 + return false
 +-- Living room: switch on
 +if state == 1 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (2)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(SAL_L1_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:10:00:000", "00:30:00:000")
 + return false
 +-- Hall 1: switch on
 +if state == 2 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (3)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(HJ_L1L2_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:04:00:000", "00:40:00:000")
 + return false
 +-- Hall 1: switch off
 +if state == 3 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (4)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(HJ_L1L2_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:05:000", "00:00:05:000")
 + return false
 +-- Living room: switch off
 +if state == 4 and timer == "true" and evening == false then
 + state_change (5)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(SAL_L1_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:05:000", "00:00:10:000")
 + return false
 +-- Hall 2: switch on
 +if state == 5 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (6)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(HN_L1_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:00:04:000", "00:00:08:000")
 + return false
 +-- Straircase: switch off
 +if state == 6 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (7)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(HJ_BAL_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:02:000", "00:00:08:000")
 + return false
 +-- Bathroom: switch on
 +if state == 7 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (8)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(SDB_L1_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:02:00:000", "00:09:00:000")
 + return false
 +-- Bathroom: switch off
 +if state == 8 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (9)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(SDB_L1_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:10:000", "00:00:20:000")
 + return false
 +-- Hall 2: switch off
 +if state == 9 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (10)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(HN_L1_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:02:000", "00:00:04:000")
 + return false
 +-- Dressing: switch on
 +if state == 10 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (11)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(DR_L1_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:00:03:000", "00:00:10:000")
 + return false
 +-- Dressing: switch off
 +if state == 11 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (12)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(DR_L1_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:02:000", "00:00:05:000")
 + return false
 +-- Bedroom 1: switch on
 +if state == 12 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (13)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(CH1_L1_id, true)
 + timer_set("00:02:00:000", "00:15:00:000")
 + return false
 +-- Bedroom 1: switch off
 +if state == 13 and timer == "true" then
 + state_change (14)
 + calaos:setOutputValue(CH1_L1_id, false)
 + timer_set("00:00:05:000", "00:00:05:000")
 + return false
 +print(script_name .. ": Did nothing")
 +return false