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Calaos PLC IO

Calaos IO is currently in design phase, and it's far to be complete. The following page aims to describes what Calaos IO will be.

Calaos IO is a board designed to controlled as many I/O as possible. It's intented to replace the wago IO modules in a house. It takes places in the electronic board.

The spectifications are the following :

Digital inputs : 48 Inputs 24V Input Isolation 5000V Connectors for wires of 0.08 to 1.5mm2 / AWG 28 … 16 LEDs indicator.

Digital Outputs : 48 Outputs 24V outputs 30mA per outputs Isolation 5000V Connectors for wires of 0.08 to 1.5mm2 / AWG 28 … 16 LEDs indicator?


RS485 will be used as the principal bus to control the IOs on the board


The hardware is designed arround a tiny microcontroller. The folling ICs maybe used :

- STM32F0 - ATMEGA328

IO Controller

Sensor Nodes


In order to communicate between the nodes, something similar to modbus could be used. Modbus has the inconvenient of having a big overhead per packet and is used in systeme where the master need to access content of register of slaves. It's not designed with firmware upgrade of slaves in mind for example.